A few months ago I watched the domino chain effect video which demonstrated elegantly how a tiny brick just 5mm high and 1mm thick can create enough momentum to knock over a brick the size of the Empire State Building. It’s a straightforward physics conundrum based on perfectly spaced...
I recently had the honour of being accepted to judge the Middle East and North Africa Stevie awards - management and customer service category. There was a broad range of submissions - from several different countries in the region, from publicly-funded innovation to community interest companies,...
I wonder if Abraham Lincoln would envisage the future, we’re all living in when he uttered that quote.
Sometimes, despite digging deep, puling on external sources of inspiration, and even embracing failure we still feel like we’re facing an uphill battle. Those battery packs give you an extra dose of energy but not quite enough to get you over the line. What then? Here are three key...
"I understand that a man can have everything having nothing and nothing having everything."
Mihai Eminescu
Throughout this month we’ve been looking at persistence. Resilience, courage, and determination. We’ve covered athletic endeavours and building your own spirit through leaning into the hard work, protecting your energy. When I’m working with clients in this area, I often find...
Have you ever day-dreamed about the singer taking part in a gruelling Tough Mudder race? Maybe it’s just me - I’m sure she’d ace it in style. Maybe it’s a ruse to consider what Queen B and the legendary obstacle race Tough Mudder have in common….
The last few weeks I’ve been focusing on intention at a personal level. It’s a strange focus perhaps to spend time considering who you want to be, how you want to be. But I find over time that it’s one of the most effective way of shifting your mood and achieving more after all...